Here's every word of the interim manager's pre-match press conference ahead of the visit of Leeds United tomorrow.

Mike 48 hours to reflect on it, what are your thoughts on Saturday's win?

It was probably, if I'm honest, better than I thought it was. I wouldn't say I was disappointed but I thought there was moments in the game we could have managed a little better. But, having watched the game back on Sunday, maybe I was a little bit overly critical of the players on one or two things. Which is fine. Like I said after the game, the most important thing is the three points, we back in the play-offs, back where I think we should be and I think we've just got to keep that going.

What was the dressing room like after the game?

As you can imagine after a win they were happy. I think my message to them was enjoy the feeling, but make sure we're ready and prepared because I'm under no illusion how tough this game is going to be tomorrow evening. I didn't want to get too far ahead of myself and I don't think the players will be. I knew regardless of the outcome of the West Brom game, we had one eye on Leeds and we're under no illusions, it's going to be a real tough game. 

If the result had gone against you it would have been daunting, now it looks like a brilliant game to have?

I addressed the players this morning and the amount of texts I had from friends saying 'make sure you enjoy Tuesday' and 'It's a great result and it relieves the pressure.' I think my mindset and it's where I've got to try and get a balance with the players, I want to win every single game and I don't want that to be overpowering or overbearing on the players. I want them to enjoy the moments when they come. My mindset is I want to win on Tuesday night and I'm fully focussed on that, regardless of what's happened previous.

Leeds United many threats, six wins out of seven, it's a tough test isn't it?

One of the toughest if I'm honest. I've watched loads of their games. Premier League budget, Premier League players, strength in depth. They can replenish the team quite easily and swap quality with quality. That's where we've got to get to. If we've got any real aspirations of doing well, we've got to try and step up to these challenges. We're under no illusions it's going to be a real tough test for us.

Fitness wise, a clean bill of health?

Yeah. I've got a croaky voice! A few slight illnesses but nothing to worry about no major changes.

As far as you're aware, just carrying on?

Yeah. I want to give you something else but unfortunately I can't.

Any conversations with those above?

I've not had any conversations with the hierarchy about it. There was a well done after the game and a few handshakes and we'll fill you in when we have some more information.

Do you have to have one eye on Saturday?

It was always the plan prior to the West Brom game, that we'd map the next three or four games out, even the Coventry game beyond that. There's already preparations gone on for Bristol City behind the scenes. We have to focus tomorrow night but when they come back in on Thursday that two-day lead-in will all be organised.

Jobe fit to start against Leeds?

The challenge you always have is that you plan for Tuesday but of course you have to wait for happens on Saturday, how everyone is on Sunday morning... that's always the challenge you have when you a process that you want to work to. The other challenge is how much you want to change and freshen up because it was a really, really good performance. Any decisions I do make, whether it's to bring anyone else in or not, you have to take that human element into consideration. Quite rightly so, they'll be thinking 'why?' So I always speak to the group and the individuals so they at least understand why. The preparation has gone as we would have hoped, there's no new injuries and everyone is fully fit and able to start. The decision is how much we want to tinker or change..

Any update on Jewison Bennette?

Jewison came back from international duty and was out for a good few days with this flu that has been going around. He came back in but then picked up an ankle knock in a bounce game that we had, and it's just been about being precautionary from there. He got a kick in one of the small-sided games so that was why he wasn't in the squad on Saturday. He hasn't trained today so he won't be in the squad tomorrow, but we're hoping he'll be back with us on Thursday or Friday.